Discover insurance coverage and finance options.

We want everyone to be able to live a life free of addiction. That’s why Addiction-Care offers coverage through many insurance companies. We also offer private-pay and financing options so that you can invest in you.


To see if your insurance plan covers our program, please start by using the call button at the base of the page to reach our Intake Managers in order to know if your insurance qualifies. Addiction-Care is an in-network provider with a number of health insurance companies, including:

Images of insurances that a drug/alcohol rehab accept
Images of insurances that a drug/alcohol rehab accept

Note However, that these are just the most common and accepted insurances in our intake program, but there are many more insurance accepted that are not listed here, kindly make sure to confirm your insurance during your call.

Private pay

Those interested in privately paying for care can pay in full or in flexible monthly installments. Talk with our Care Specialist to learn more. 

Financial assistance

Addiction-Care recommends researching on a variety of third-party programs to offer low- or no-interest financing for those who who are willing. Connect with a care communities to learn more about programs like M-lend or Lightstream

You’re worth it ... 

No matter your situation, Addiction-Care may be able to help. Connect with one of our care specialists to talk through your needs or help someone you care about understand our treatment options.