Addiction Care Online is an Addiction Treatment/Rehab Mediator created by the joint effort of the public and private establishments in the Behavioral Health Sector. Our associate rehabs combine elements of detox, medical observation, psychiatric evaluation, therapy, relaxation, life skills training, and support groups. The specific programs and resources available will range tremendously across facilities. 

All our rehabs help you heal medically, clinically, and spiritually so that you can begin a new, meaningful life of passion and purpose. The exact course of treatment varies tremendously according to an individual’s unique needs. In general, treatment is focused on understanding the underlying causes behind the addiction, helping the addict recover, rebuilding relationships, and teaching life strategies that will help the patient maintain sobriety.

However, You are not alone in this, this Commission has helped connect over 36,000 people to accredited rehabs and treatment centers where they achieved lasting sobriety in the past 16 years and we give an average of 18,500 free phone consultations every year. 

Your life is precious, talk to us now for free on how we can help you get your life back. Don't let self doubt stand in your way to achieving lasting and purposeful sobriety, talk to us and we might just have a better treatment plan for you. We await your call. We love you.